An overdue update

It’s been quite a while since I wrote anything here.  It’s also been quite a while that I have been meaning to.  Two quite-a-whiles converging could be like crossing the streams.  Let’s hope the universe doesn’t end before I finish this.

First, a Blu-ray update.  I am still quite easily suckered; out of the just-under-40 titles that I currently own, there are only 8 that I don’t also own on DVD, and two of those I did have on DVD but gave the DVDs to friends or family.  That leaves about 30 titles that I have duplicates of, for reasons which fall into five categories:

  1. Not all/hardy any/none of the DVD special features are on the Blu-ray (e.g. The Fifth Element, Spider-Man)
  2. The DVD/movie holds a special place in my heart (e.g. Serenity)
  3. It’s easier to take DVDs to other places (e.g. Cars, Ratatouille)
  4. I am good at rationalizing silly things
  5. Any combination of the above

So the Blu-ray has been fun, but once I get into the movie, can I really tell the difference from DVD without a side-by-side comparison?  Probably not.  Will I continue to buy Blu-rays, possibly of movies that I already own on DVD?  Yep.  Am I weird?  Absolutely.  In fact, I am going to buy Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children as soon as I can get it for less than $20.  I was about to mention Quantum of Solace, but I remembered that I don’t have that on DVD.  Hooray!  (I did buy Casino Royale again, though.)  (But I haven’t opened it.  I could still take it back!)  (I probably won’t.)

The two things that really bug me about Blu-ray, though, are the slow disc loading times, and the seeming lack of disc resume.  I watched X-Men the other night and I had time to go out to dinner and another movie before the menu loaded.  When I stopped the movie part of the way through to go take care of a child who had awakened, I afterward went to bed and woke up the next morning to find that the menu had just about loaded again after pressing play.

So I exaggerate, but not by much.

In other news, I have added the following to my List of Shows to Which I Will Admit Having Seen Every Episode (which list I should keep an updated copy of posted somewhere.  And by “should” I mean “nobody cares but me and I’ll probably do it anyway.  In six months”):

  • Chuck
  • Dollhouse

I still have not yet watched any Buffy or Angel, nor any Monk or Battlestar Galactica aside from the pilots, but I plan to get to them sometime in 2010, after I finish my current backlog of unwatched TV-on-DVD (like He-Man and DuckTales) and rewatch some DVDs that I haven’t see for 3 or 4 years (like The Truman Show and Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure).

I did, however, finally read the Harry Potter books.  They were pretty enjoyable, and got increasingly better as I went along, with the exception of book 5, which I assume originally went by the less-marketable title of Harry Potter and the Non-Stop Whining.  Seriously, the longest book in the series and it’s all whining.  Now I just have to see the movies, which will happen sometime in 2012 or so when they’re all on DVD, assuming the world hasn’t ended first.

Also, my little boy turned 1 a couple of weeks ago.  We had a fun little party for him with some neighborhood friends.  He has become quite the little personality, and has no fear of his 4-year-old sister.  I suppose that makes it a good thing we didn’t name him Sephiroth.

Finally, Linux is awesome.  I have been running KDE4 since January and it’s been a treat.  In the past few months I’ve actually gotten to contribute (in very small ways) to a few open source projects, namely QtCurve and Kaffeine.  I thought I would have more to say about that, but I guess I don’t, at least not right now.

Finally finally, I really need to do some more poetism commentaries soon.  I imagine I’ll think about it for a few more months before I actually get to it.  That’s all for now.

3 Comments on “An overdue update”

  1. Rachel says:

    I love your blog. It makes me happy when I read it. Downside? You don’t write too often. Aside from praise, I have a nice solution to your apparent problem of having duplicates of movies. Give them to me. 🙂 Why? I am your favorite and I’ll need something to do while Scott drops off the radar for four years of med school. Love you!

  2. grassmonk says:

    I see what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to subtly lure me into full-on Facebook-ness by getting me all excited about the fourth comment ever to my blog, and typing this reply in my exultation. Your flaxen cords will not hold me! In other news, I am apparently not an invited reader of your blog. Your plan is falling apart as we speak.

  3. Rachel says:

    I am indeed trying to get you to join facebook. It would be seriously awesome and I am more than willing to manage all photos on your account, because facebook photos are important. Now you have a fifth comment, so are you warming up yet? In response to other news, you are now an invited reader of my blog so all is well. Again, you should be warming up and my plan is right on track. PS I listed my name as “Rachel” instead of “Rachel Miller”. I figured you would be able to tell the difference now.

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